Saturday, 12 January 2013

Blackberry 10 Is Almost Here

It has been a busy past few months with Blackberry 10! I have had a lot of fun hacking away on my Dev Alpha A device and have recently sent it back to RIM for the Blackberry 10 LE phone Trade-Up promo. I hope to be able to do an unboxing and report here next month on my new BB10 LE phone!

Meanwhile, I have released 4 apps for the BB10 platform and managed to score some Blackberry Port-a-Thon cash for my Marmalade app. My "Marmalade" app (Quantum Colliders) is available on both BB10 and Playbook and I am planning to improve it with time... add more levels, sound, save features and more. I have also 3 other apps on the BB10 platform, including my Text Clock app (also available on Playbook), Vibrating Massager, and Project Gutenberg Aesop's Fables.

Here are some of my other apps for Blackberry on the Playbook only and pre-BB10 phones:

Smoking Calculator (Playbook)
Talking Alarm Text Clock Pro (Playbook)
Talking Alarm Text Clock Demo (Playbook)
Doctor Braun App (Playbook and pre-BB10 phones)
Raspberry Pi App (Playbook and pre-BB10 phones)